A cold front is forecast to move through the region later this afternoon, bringing much drier (read lower humidity) and cooler than average temperatures for the weekend. The front will bring a few clouds but not much rain, maybe a rogue shower or two. Highs will once again climb well into the 80s and a few spots may see the 90° mark for a third straight day.

Computer models still hint at a big ole ridge building over the top of the southeast come the end of next week. If these solutions come to fruition then some could be pushing the mid to upper 90s by the first week of June. This is still a long ways away, but with maps like the one attached below, it'd be difficult for us to escape a few low to mid 90° days.
This ridge will also keep us rather dry to end May and begin June. It's a good thing we picked up all that rain in February as we're still running a rain surplus for the year.
I mentioned in a blog post over a week and a half ago that something could be brewing in the tropics. The GFS was hinting at a system developing in the western Caribbean, but I mentioned the possibility of it developing in the eastern Pacific instead. Well... If the 00Z GFS is to be believed, we could be talking about a tropical cyclone off the coast of Mexico by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. This makes sense as the upward pulse of the MJO is forecast to move over the region, enhancing the chances of a TC to form.
I'll then post this image to see how accurate the two week forecast of the GFS is when it comes to the tropics (HA!).