Our Weather:

Tropical Storm Dorian is holding tough this morning. As of 5 AM EDT, it had winds of 50 mph with a forward speed of 20 mph to the west-northwest. The future track of Dorian puts it north of the Greater Antilles early next week. There are two model camps this morning. The GFS now has Dorian barreling in to Hispaniola, basically killing the storm. The EURO, however, does weaken it quite a bit, but sends the remnants of Dorian through the Bahamas and in to South Florida late next week. The good news, as of now, is that Dorian looks to weaken over the coming days. However, we can't let our guard down because Mother Nature might throw us a curve ball or two over the weekend. We'll have a more concrete idea of what Dorian is going to do early next week, if it even survives that long.
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